Family Portraits: Why are they important? Third Reason

June 17, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Family Portraits: Why are they important?

REASON THREE: Tradition + Future Generations

Now, this might be a little off subject, but I promise I have a point. Sometimes when I walk into a wedding I'm photographing, there is a table set up with the wedding photos of the couple's parents and grandparents. The first thing I think of is, "Oh, how sweet!" Then I realize that I'm there to photograph this couple's wedding day so that someday their grandchildren might display that photo on their big day. And I think of just how powerful photography can be. One of my favorite things to do is look at old photos of my family, especially those who I've never met. It's important to have quality images that can be passed down from generation to generation, because we just don't know how our Facebook photos are going to be viewed 50 years from now.  It's also fun to start the tradition of having family photos taken so it can be continued. Your teenagers may roll their eyes at it now, but someday they will see the value and continue on their own.




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